Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Trade Secrets

            Secrets of the trade - those little tips that I have picked up over the years.  Most of these “tricks” I have been gleaned from my dad, LeGrande Spilsbury Without a doubt, he was one of the finest funeral director, restorative art technician, and embalmer this profession has ever known.  If you don’t believe me, just ask any funeral director that was in the business during his era.  His abilities were known throughout the state of Utah, and it was my good fortune to have been his son. 

            Secret number one - blue eye shadow.  I learned that blue eye shadow is actually seldom worn on every lady.  I use a little blue shadow, not particularly because it enhances the deceased appearance, but it stand out as something a little different than what is natural.  If the family likes it, great.  But if they don’t, it is easily removed and the family now feels that their input has been well received.  For some crazy reason, it is not supposed to be perfect the first time Isn’t that funny?

            Another wonderful tip is, if there is a case with excess water in the tissues (ede
a little Epson Salt in the embalming solution will make a world of difference. 

            Another tip that gives me a great amount of confidence is a frozen roller bandage.  In the event that there has been excessive swelling of the neck, a frozen roller bandage wrapped tightly around the neck, after embalming, and left overnight, will greatly improve the deceased appearance. 

            These little secrets can make a huge difference when applied in the proper manner. Not only did I pick up tricks of the trade, but tried and true principals, that when
applied properly, enhance and build trust, and lifetime friendships.

            For example, the family is always right, regardless, and every problem must be reconciled immediately. I was also taught that sometimes it is better to turn your cheek rather than subject yourself and employees to a very few who are angry and do not value funeral directors or the service they provide.  There are some I refuse to serve - those who are rude and belittling to my staff.  Every business or profession has their “tricks of the trade”.  Most are practical solutions to a variety of situations.  In the future, look for the blue eye shadow.........!


Ted Spilsbury

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